Thursday, March 15, 2007

Your Pathway to Peak Performance
Welcome Participants of Virtual Woman's Day!

Let us imagine that we are all meeting at this exact moment to journey together along the Pathway to Peak Performance. This is so exciting!

Can you feel the energy of all women united on a journey of discovery and prosperity?

Here are 10 keys to succeed daily along the Pathway to Peak Performance:

Ask yourself: "How well do I perform these 10 areas each day of my life?"

1. Energy

2. Mission

3. Attitude

4. Set Goals

5. Make Plans

6. Prioritize

7. Synergize

8. Organize

9. Optimize

10. Act Now

Do you need to get more done in less time?

Do you lack a strong sense of purpose and direction?

Do you have big dreams but lack crystal-clear written goals?

Do you want to maximize your success potential?

Let us journey together, support each other on our T.E.A.M. which stands for
Together Each Achieves More!
For a Free Success CD Go to
Important: Enter this number in the Gift Certificate box: 110048

Getting and staying on the Pathway to Peak Performance will help us achieve a life of our dreams.

I have found something I thought you would be interested in. I am so excited about it, I have received training to teach this success system. has developed a new training system that helps people achieve their goals sooner (personally and professionally) -- by giving you the tools to immediately produce better results. Their starter package costs nothing but 2 minutes of your time.

They are the ONLY people in the world who can show you...

* What you are doing RIGHT -- so you can do MORE of that...

* What you are doing WRONG -- so you can do LESS of that...

* Exactly what you need to do DIFFERENT to accelerate your success.

To introduce their new product line, they are giving away 10 million audio CD training programs covering different areas of your performance: setting goals, making plans, team-building, organization, time management, your attitude, etc.

There's no obligation to purchase anything.

The idea is to simply choose one area of your performance, either a major strength... and make it stronger... or a limiting weakness... and eliminate it. Either way, this program focuses on personal improvement in a whole new way. They have all kinds of simple on-line tests, assessments, workshops and a daily Lessons in Excellence email training program that really works!

I highly recommend it. To sign up, just go to

Enter this number in the Gift Certificate box: 110048

IMPORTANT: Enter this number in the Gift Certificate box: 110048 (this is how I get credit!)

On this day, choose to seize the moment!
Let us act with predetermined success.
Let us take action daily to succeed and achieve.